Tuesday 1 November 2011

Anatomy of a Boyfriend

For this week I read Anatomy of a Boyfriend for our topic on sex in YA lit. I think this novel had a lot of potential to be more interesting, but it really fell flat for me. At the beginning of the novel, Dom is an over-achieving pre-med student, but becomes entirely consumed with Wes and their slowly evolving relationship. Although I didn't have a problem with Snadowsky's writing style, Dom becomes so obsessive in this relationship, it is exhaustingly cliche. Although relatable, in terms of being young and new in a relationship, she becomes so profoundly one-track minded it is exhausting.

I felt that after Dom and Wes have sex, she becomes so much more...irritating. Again, the obsessive tendencies are tiresome, but are again, can be somewhat relatable -- but no one really wants to talk to (or read about for some 250 pages) "that girl." Just saying. What I found somewhat jarring was that while they used protection, they completely neglected discussions about the Pill or anything of that nature, which considering Dom's control-freakish nature would have made more sense to me at least.

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